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Poster MockUp Vert and Horiz.png


       ellart is a San Francisco based company which addresses the decline in local feelings of community. Gentrification as it contributes to the excessive cost of living, in the Bay Area, has separated communities. The surge of tech industry workers and the constant turnover in businesses has largely destroyed a sense of belonging for low income San Francisco residents. Unfortunately, this process is spreading over the Bay Area as a whole.

       ellart restores San Francisco communities by selling unique art and creating public works that represents these communities and their values. ellart also partners with SFUSD to perform workshops and presentations to encourage and aid arts education for low income students. By addressing arts education and low income communities, ellart hopes to target those most affected by gentrification. 

       I chose various brutalist compositions and styles to create my assets because I believe that the lack of order and rules to the method of design reflect the idea that art has no limitations. Additionally, the punk like aesthetic of the style alludes to my artistic and cultural influences of ska and punk music and San Francisco youth arts culture which are reflected within the content of my artistic products.


       Overall, the harshness of Brutalism evokes ideas of misfits and anarchy. By bringing my consumers into this space, I am communicating that they are part of an elusive San Francisco art scene and that my brand provides a is a provides a mode of connectivity and sense of belonging to a like minded community of young artists and art enthusiasts, during a time when artistic connection is limited to a Zoom screen. 

Perspective Business Cards MockUp 2.png
Small Canvas Tote Bag MockUp.png
Vertical Flyer Mockup.png
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